
What is Truth?

--Mahatma Gandhi


WHAT...is Truth?


..it is what the voice within tells you...


Truth is not to be found by anybody who has not got an abundant sense of humility. If you would swim on the bosom of the ocean of Truth, you must reduce yourself to a zero...


Truth and Love--ahimsa--is the only thing that counts. Where this is present, everything rights itself in the end. This is a law to which there is no exception


...truth is the sovereign principle, which includes numerous other principles.


This truth is not only truthfulness in word, but truthfulness in thought also, and not only the relative truth of our conception, but the Absolute Truth, the Eternal Principle, that is God...   He alone is real and all else is unreal...


Truth is like a vast tree, which yields more and more fruit the more you nurture it.


The deeper the search in the mine of truth the richer the discovery of the gems buried there, in the shape of openings for an even greater variety of service


...In the march towards Truth, anger selfishness, hatred, etc., naturally give way, for otherwise Truth would be impossible to attain.


A man who is swayed by passions may have good enough intentions, may be truthful in word, but he will never find the Truth.


A successful search for Truth means complete deliverance from the dual throng such as of love and hate, happiness and misery


... there is no other God than Truth


... The little fleeting glimpses... that I have been able to have of Truth can hardly convey an idea of the indescribable luster of Truth, a million times more intense than that of the sun we daily see with our eyes


...Truth resides in every human heart, and one has to search for it there, and to be guided by truth as one sees it


...God alone knows absolute truth...Truth is God.


I have no God to serve but Truth


...Life is an aspiration. Its mission is to strive after perfection, which is self-realization. The ideal must not be lowered because of our weaknesses or imperfections. I am painfully conscious of both in me. The silent cry daily goes out to Truth to help me to remove these weakness and imperfections of mine


... the only real misfortune is to abandon the path of truth


...Truth alone will endure, all the rest will be swept away before the tide of time. I must, therefore, continue to bear testimony to Truth even if I am forsaken by all.


Mine may today be a voice in the wilderness, but it will be heard when all other voices are silenced, if it is the voice of Truth.    ---Mahatma K. Gandhi

